System Viewer iOS / Android Smartphone Application
Vision Link in partnership with the Environment Agency have developed a dedicated smartphone app for the FIDO and Field Teams enabling them to easily monitor the camera and telemetry sensors in real time. The smartphone app is compatible with iPads, iPhones and Android devices from android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) onward.
If you were previously logging into Vision Links mobile platform please download the new smartphone app for your iOS or Android device. A new account will have been setup for you on the smartphone platform. For any problems please email
Flood Duty Officer Support
Full Camera matrix for easy viewing
24/7 Camera Views
Day or Night time images 24/7 - 365 days a year
Fully Integrated Telemetry Sensors
Cameras and Telemetry Sensors are seamlessly integrated into one application
Automatic Telemetry Alarms
Automatically receive telemetry alarms and notifications, while the application runs silently in the background
Community Supported
Community Flood Alert App, free to download and advert free